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The Taste of Romania
Romanian dinner experience in Berlin: Traditional vegetarian dishes & great wines

Ramona Enache-Lorenz

Wine-Location with Style/ The Makery

Dinner experience Berlin – dining with friends
Dinner experience Berlin – eggplant rolls
Dinner experience Berlin – tasting exquisite wines
Dinner experience Berlin – traditional Romanian food
Dinner experience Berlin – traditional starter on bread
Dinner experience Berlin – enjoy a lovely meal
Dinner experience Berlin – wine bottles waiting
Dinner experience Berlin – try our Romanian wines
Dinner experience Berlin – Romanian dessert, papanasi

Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, it's also its food metropolis. There is not a variety of food you cannot find in the restaurants of Berlin. Or is there? Regrettably, yes: Romanian food is hard to come by in Germany's Big City. Now, we cannot have that! We invite you to join us for an unforgettable dinner experience in Berlin and taste the culinary treasures of Romania. Enjoy lovely traditional vegetarian dishes and some of the finest Romanian wines, selected by your expert sommelière, Ramona Enache-Lorenz.

dinner experience Berlin

Wine-Location with Style/ The Makery
ca. 03:30 Stunden
10-18 lovers of fine food and wines

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Romanian dinner experience in Berlin

  • Welcome to "The Makery", home to lots of fun and creative experiences, and great culinary location in Berlin.
  • This evening will be hosted by certified wine expert Ramona Enache-Lorenz and Romanian chef Ioana Guica. 
  • We will serve a 6-course, full-vegetarian dinner based on traditional Romanian recipes, including some of our most beloved childhood favourites.
  • Each course will be paired with carefully selected, single-varietal wines from four excellent Romanian wine producers:
    •  Domeniile Averesti
    • Crama DeMatei
    • Via Viticola
    • Prince Stirbey
  • Our vegetarian menu captures the spirit of rural Romanian cooking, which used to focus on vegetables as the main source of food. We will cover many culinary traditions of our big and multi-faceted country. 
  • You can simply enjoy the lovely meal prepared by Ioana, or chat with your charming host Ramona while she pours the wine. She will gladly tell you all you want to know about her beautiful country of birth (and of course, its wines).
  • To make the evening truly magical, we will lay the table with handmade ceramic objects, candle holders and wood planks from Romanian ateliers and designers.
  • If the weather is nice, the table will be set up on the quiet sidewalk outside "The Makery".
Dinner experience Berlin – traditional Romanian food

Wine & dine the Romanian way

Traditional Romanian cuisine incorporates the best of all the influences that have come from various countries over the course of 2000 years. Greeks and Romans, Russians, Turks and many more have added to the fascinating mix. Moreover, local traditions are strong and every region has its own unique recipes. Our chef, Ioana Guica, has come all the way from Bucharest to make your dinner experience in Berlin unforgettable.

Although Romania is Europe's sixth largest wine producer, its wines are, for the most part, still underrated. It's time to change that! Ramona would like to acquaint you with the marvellous world of grapes she was raised with – a place where 14 indigenous grape varieties thrive, attracting winemakers from across Europe. In our upcoming event, we will be unveiling four new grape varieties that have found their true potential in the Moldovan Hills.

A true Romanian meal as we understand it is a social event, a come-together. Eating is about families and friends, hospitability and sharing. So even if you arrive as strangers, we hope you will leave as friends. Sit down at a beautifully laid table, adorned with authentic Romanian ceramic and design, enjoy the best of our culinary heritage, and just let the magic happen.

Wine-Location with Style/ The Makery

Wine-Location with Style/ The Makery

Die Location
Mit Verstand von uns geprüft

Ramona invites to her wine events in handpicked locations in Berlin. With candelabras and beautifully set tables, you can really enjoy yourself there.

Ramona Enache-Lorenz

Ihr Gastgeber
Mit Herz sorgsam ausgesucht

Ramona is a wine-loving young sommelière that is rare to find. Besides having designed her own wine glasses for picnic under the Label Pointer, she is also trying to make Romanian wines better known with her stylish, entertaining wine events. With heart and verve, she introduces wine lovers to the world of conscious enjoyment.

  • Miomente-Inklusiv

    Our Romanian dinner experience in Berlin includes: 6 courses of vegetarian food, 6 accompanying wines, and water.

  • Miomente-Hinweis

    This dinner experience in Berlin is hosted and moderated in English, but Ramona also speaks fluent German.

  • Miomente-Geschenktipp

    Our dinner experience in Berlin makes a very special gift for a very special person. Go together and have an evening you will never forget.

  • Miomente-Business

    Would you like to book an exclusive dinner experience as a team? Please contact us.

99,00 €  109,00 €
zzgl. Versand (inkl. MwSt.)
99,00 € zzgl. Versand (inkl. MwSt.)
- 9% statt 109,00 €
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  • 3 Jahre gültig
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