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Learn to cook
Cooking for beginners: English language class in Frankfurt

Frankfurt for Cooks | Anna Schmidt

Frankfurt For Cooks | morgen interiors kitchen space

English cooking class Frankfurt – chopping up fresh herbs
English cooking class Frankfurt – learn to fry, boil and steam
English cooking class Frankfurt – friends having fun in the kitchen
English cooking class Frankfurt – chopping onions
English cooking class Frankfurt – my first home-cooked pasta!
English cooking class Frankfurt – making pumpkin soup
English cooking class Frankfurt – two generations of cooks
English cooking class Frankfurt – cracking eggs
English cooking class Frankfurt – cooking with best friend

Learn to cook in our hands-on cooking class in Frankfurt – beginners welcome! Learn how to handle fresh ingredients and turn them into a delicious meal. Discover the pleasures of a home-cooked meal, enjoy the fragrances and the tastes. Everybody can learn how to cook, at every age. Our charming chef Anna will help you hone your skills. Do it now: add flavour to your life!

cooking class Frankfurt

Frankfurt For Cooks | morgen interiors kitchen space
ca. 04:00 Stunden
8-12 beginners

Verfügbare Termine

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Mit einem Ticket-Kauf buchen Sie einen verbindlichen Termin.

Datum & UhrzeitPreisPersonen
Sa. 12.10.2024
12:00 - ca. 16:00
140,00 €  130,00 €

Unsere Termingarantie für dieses Event: Die Termine für die nächsten Monate sind in Kürze hier buchbar. Ein Gutschein kann für alle kommenden Termine eingelöst werden.

Cooking class in Frankfurt

  • Check in at "Frankfurt for Cooks" and meet our delightful chef Anna.
  • This hands-on class will teach you essential cooking skills.
    • You will learn to slice and chop with ease
    • Meet what you eat: from vegetables, herbs, grains and pulses to various meats. Learn how to handle them all.
    • Boiling, frying, steaming: master all the important cooking techniques
  • Anna provides fresh, high-quality ingredients for this class, so you will prepare varying seasonal courses.
  • All work done, you can sit down and enjoy what you've cooked. 
  • Take home the recipes to today's courses and keep on cooking! 
English cooking class Frankfurt – chopping up fresh herbs

The cook in you

Do you have childhood memories of your favourite meals? For most of us, happiness lay in the small things. Maybe it was Grandma's homecooked stews and pies, Mum's creamy potato soup, or the pancakes only Dad could make with that crunchy edge ... 

As we grow up and start our own lives, many of us realize there's something missing: Having never leant to cook, our choice is between opening ravioli cans, eating in expensive restaurants or grabbing a kebab on the way home from work. This lifestyle is not only costly, it is unhealthy, and you continue to depend on other people to feed you.

It's never too late to learn how to cook! Whether you have just moved into your first student apartment, settled down with a family of your own, or retired (finally: time on your hands!), our cooking class for beginners in Frankfurt will teach you the basic skills of home cooking. You will no longer have to rely on fast food or takeaways. Save money, eat fresh and healthy foods, and discover the joy of cooking.

Frankfurt For Cooks | morgen interiors kitchen space

Frankfurt For Cooks | morgen interiors kitchen space

Die Location
Mit Verstand von uns geprüft

In Annas wunderschöner Kochschule fühlt man sich auf Anhieb wohl. Tolle Design-Elemente, eine Küche, die keine Wünsche offen lässt und eine herzliche Gastgeberin machen diesen Ort ganz besonders.

Frankfurt for Cooks | Anna Schmidt

Ihr Gastgeber
Mit Herz sorgsam ausgesucht

Anna ist professionelle Köchin, ausgebildet bei Le Cordon Bleu in London. Seit 10 Jahren unterrichtet sie angehende Köche – zuerst in London, dann in Frankfurt und mit Hilfe ihrer Online-Kochkurse sogar auf der ganzen Welt.

  • Miomente-Inklusiv

    This cooking class in Frankfurt includes personal instruction by professional cook Anna Schmidt, all the ingredients, water and coffee, plus the recipes. Aprons will be provided.

  • Miomente-Hinweis

    This is an English language class, but Anna is also fluent in German.

  • Miomente-Geschenktipp

    Take along a friend to a cooking class in Frankfurt. Cooking is even more fun when you do it together.

  • Miomente-Business

    Would you like to attend a cooking class in Frankfurt as a team? Please contact us for information and booking.

130,00 €  140,00 €
zzgl. Versand (inkl. MwSt.)
130,00 € zzgl. Versand (inkl. MwSt.)
- 7% statt 140,00 €
Zur Buchung

mit flexiblem Termin

  • auch für andere Events einlösbar
  • 3 Jahre gültig
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