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French bakery
Make your own bread and viennoiseries: French baking class in Munich

Romain Marteau | Miam München


Backkurs in München: knuspriges französisches Baguette
Backkurs in München: so rollt man ein Croissant
Backkurs in München: Mehlstaub abklopfen
Backkurs in München: Teig rollen oder falten
Backkurs in München: Auslage der französischen Patisserie
Backkurs in München: die Technik, Baguettes zu formen
Backkurs in München: Croissants vor dem Backen bestreichen
Backkurs in München: Baguette perfekt formen
Backkurs in München: frische Croissants
Backkurs in München: Baguette schneiden

If you love croissants as much as you love the Louvre; if you think a crispy, freshly baked baguette beats Notre-Dame in every aspect save size – this is the course for you! In our French baking class in Munich, you will learn to make and handle sourdough, yeast or puff pastry, shape and bake lovely bread or viennoiseries, and capture the spirit of the boulangerie-pâtisserie ... obviously the place you would spend all your time in France if other family members weren't nagging you to visit the Musée d'Orsay.

baking class München

ca. 04:00 Stunden
6-8 lovers of French bakeries

Verfügbare Termine

Mit einem Gutschein können Sie alle Termine später flexibel auswählen.
Mit einem Ticket-Kauf buchen Sie einen verbindlichen Termin.

Datum & UhrzeitPreisPersonen
Sa. 19.10.2024
10:00 - ca. 14:00
110,00 €  100,00 €
Sa. 30.11.2024
10:00 - ca. 14:00
110,00 €  100,00 €
So. 01.12.2024
10:00 - ca. 14:00
110,00 €  100,00 €

Unsere Termingarantie für dieses Event: Die Termine für die nächsten Monate sind in Kürze hier buchbar. Ein Gutschein kann für alle kommenden Termine eingelöst werden.

French baking class in Munich

  • Welcome to the delightful world of French baking. Your teacher, Romain Marteau, is an expert not only because he is French but he is also a certified baker.
  • You will explore the process of making either
    • authentic French baguette or other sourdough bread, or
    • delicious pastries (viennoiseries), either from from puff pastry or made with sourdough or yeast
  • Bring a glass jar to take home some sourdough!
  • Please take note of the following dates and topics:
  • 19.10.2024: Croissants&Co
    • During this course, we will explore the process of making French pastries. You’ll enjoy warm pastries and take home some puff pastry, ready to be detailed and baked for your Sunday morning.
  • 01.12.2024: Sourdough bread
    • This introductory course to sourdough baking will cover all stages of bread making. You’ll leave with a baked loaf, a loaf to shape and bake at home, as well as some sourdough.
  • 30.11.2024: Baguette and more
    • This course will teach you to make bread (mostly sourdough bread) in various shapes, according to recipe and occasion.
Backkurs in München: so rollt man ein Croissant

French Kiss and Sourdough

Remember the Covid19 years? The lockdown? Yes, sorry to bring up those unpleasant times, but they are essential to the story. For, confined to his home, with not-that-much-to-do, Romain Marteau discovered the joy of making his own bread, and the fun in sourdough. Yes, yes, he was one of many, true enough. But not many people went on to embrace a whole new lifestyle, quit their career in computing and train as a professional baker.

Romain did just that. He earned his baker's certificate (CAP) in 2022 and started giving classes soon after. He made it his mission to share the ideas of Slow Life, Zero Waste, local consumption and healty cooking. The passion that drives him will grip you too, we are sure – because the results are simply delicious.

So when you embark on your culinary journey to the boulangeries and pâtisseries of France, prepare for some surprises, revelations even, that may change your perspective on food forever. Discover the full flavour of healty, fresh ingredients, the fun in making, shaping and baking your own bread or pastries. Take home a few samples to bake at home and share with your dear ones. And enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!



Die Location
Mit Verstand von uns geprüft

Der "Kulturessraum" GUBE20 bietet einen idealen Rahmen für kulinarische Events jeder Art. Hier kann gekocht, gebacken, gegessen und gefeiert werden. Zwischen der großen Kochinsel und den gemütlichen Sitzgelegenheiten bleiben keine Wünsche offen.

Romain Marteau | Miam München

Ihr Gastgeber
Mit Herz sorgsam ausgesucht

Der gebürtige Franzose hat nach einer Karriere als Informatiker seine Leidenschaft für das Backen und Kochen entdeckt: für Slow Food, Zero Waste, für frische, regionale Zutaten aus nachhaltigem Anbau. Der Geschmack überzeugt – Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden stellen sich ganz von selbst ein. Nicht zuletzt hat Romain einen guten Draht zu französischen Weinen, denn seine Schwester führt in vierter Generation das Familienweingut in der Touraine.

  • Miomente-Inklusiv

    Our baking class in Munich includes water, coffee and non-alcoholic beverages.

  • Miomente-Hinweis

    Dieser Backkurs in München findet in englischer Sprache statt. Der Kursleiter spricht auch Deutsch und Französisch und kann dir in diesen Sprachen deine Fragen beantworten.

  • Miomente-Geschenktipp

    Come to our French baking class in Munich and bring along someone you love. There is nothing like a freshly baked croissant to say "Je t'aime".

  • Miomente-Business

    Baking classes and other events in Munich can be booked as a company outing or team event. Please address our B2B team for further information.

100,00 €  110,00 €
zzgl. Versand (inkl. MwSt.)
100,00 € zzgl. Versand (inkl. MwSt.)
- 9% statt 110,00 €
Zur Buchung

mit flexiblem Termin

  • auch für andere Events einlösbar
  • 3 Jahre gültig
In den Warenkorb

mit verbindlichem Ticket


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